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Ingredients that are poisonous when eating raw and wrong combinations

Time:2020-09-09    Browse:    Source:网络    Author:佚名 - Small + Big

Ingredients that are poisonous when eating raw andwrong combinations

1.    Poisonous when raw: cassava, green beans, fresh broad beans,lentils, pumpkin seed sprouts, lily flowers, fresh lily, fresh black fungus, unripetomatoes,  Chenopodium album, thegreen part of sprouted potatoes, flax seed spouts, pine and willow sprouts,broad bean sprouts, bitter calabash;

1.    Some people have tried eating various kinds of mushrooms and silverfungus raw, but we don’t recommend eating these raw. Some people have experiencedvomiting after eating raw needle mushroom;

2.    Bitter almond has light toxicity, and some people are fine aftereating small amount of raw bitter almond, but some people have a negative reactionafter eating just one, so please be cautious;

3.    Bad Combinations:

1.    Mustard Green, Turnip, Carrots, and Chinese cabbage that have beenin storage for a long time, asparagus lettuce, cabbage, red cabbage, andbroccoli have a spicy taste, people who have weak stomach should use less;

2.    Papaya seeds are very spicy, not suitable to be used in juice;

3.    Onion and leek need to be carefully used base on your acceptance, ifused too much, the juice can be hard to drink and harmful to your stomach;

4.    Cabbage core sometimes has bitter and spicy taste; eggplant skin canbe bitter; corn sprout juice and wheatgrass juice can cause vomit for thespecial taste;

5.    The connection part with the stem can be very bitter, that part canbe removed for safety’s sake;

6.    Persimmon can cause intestinal obstruction when eaten on an emptystomach, don’t put it in juice;

7.    Grain, beans, potatoes, and taro are better consumed cooked, as eatingraw can affect digestion and absorption of the nutrition. Sprouts that are toosmall or ones with big petals should be limited when using in juice to avoidpotential influence on digestion;

8.    Drinking cold juice is the most common cause for digestive tractsymptoms, using cold water to make juice can be considered a “bad combination”,please pay attention and use warm water every time you make a juice, especiallyfor people with a weak stomach;

9.    People with special preconditions, please pay attention and useingredients that can be accepted by your body, and choose nutrition supplements(including plants and medicine) according to your body’s special needs. Pleaseconsult your doctor when determining what you should eat more and less of;

10.  Cucumber and carrots contain a highly active vitamin C enzyme, so whenusing with other ingredients that contains high vitamin C, they can destroypart of that nutrition.

11.  Pumpkin and carrots contain lower amounts of water, so when makingjuice with them, adding more water is recommended to avoid the juice being toothick and causing dyspepsia;

12.  Papaya, hawthorn, lotus root, tomatoes, blueberries, dragon fruit, andpersimmon can cause the juice layers to separate or become jelly. This is an effectof pectin, and does not affect drinking.

Safety first. Anything that you are not certain to besafe should be treated carefully. If ingredients are not mentioned here that doesnot mean that they are completely safe. Please only eat ingredients that youare certain to be safe!

6. Special Advice:

If you are already sick please go to a doctor. Xinzhenheath method is just a living style, we advise people not to use it as medicineand be responsible. Do not neglect the importance of medicine.

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